

Creates colors for storing in variables of the color datatype (a 32 bit integer).


Creates colors for storing in variables of the color datatype (a 32 bit integer). The parameters are interpreted as RGB or HSB values depending on the current Py5Graphics.color_mode(). The default mode is RGB values from 0 to 255 and, therefore, color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow color (see the first example).

Note that if only one value is provided to color(), it will be interpreted as a grayscale value. Add a second value, and it will be used for alpha transparency. When three values are specified, they are interpreted as either RGB or HSB values. Adding a fourth value applies alpha transparency.

Note that when using hexadecimal notation, it is not necessary to use color(), as in: c = 0x006699

This method is the same as color() but linked to a Py5Graphics object. To see example code for how it can be used, see color().

Underlying Processing method: PGraphics.color


    c: int,  # color value
) -> int

    c: int,  # color value
    alpha: float,  # alpha value relative to current color range
) -> int

    c: int,  # color value
    alpha: int,  # alpha value relative to current color range
) -> int

    gray: float,  # gray value relative to current color range
) -> int

    gray: float,  # gray value relative to current color range
    alpha: float,  # alpha value relative to current color range
) -> int

    hex_code: str,  # hex color code
) -> int

    hex_code: str,  # hex color code
    alpha: int,  # alpha value relative to current color range
) -> int

    v1: float,  # red or hue values relative to the current color range
    v2: float,  # green or saturation values relative to the current color range
    v3: float,  # blue or brightness values relative to the current color range
) -> int

    v1: float,  # red or hue values relative to the current color range
    v2: float,  # green or saturation values relative to the current color range
    v3: float,  # blue or brightness values relative to the current color range
    a: float,  # alpha value relative to current color range
) -> int

    v1: int,  # red or hue values relative to the current color range
    v2: int,  # green or saturation values relative to the current color range
    v3: int,  # blue or brightness values relative to the current color range
) -> int

    v1: int,  # red or hue values relative to the current color range
    v2: int,  # green or saturation values relative to the current color range
    v3: int,  # blue or brightness values relative to the current color range
    a: int,  # alpha value relative to current color range
) -> int

Updated on October 06, 2023 13:36:04pm UTC