

Set the entire contents of Py5Graphics.np_pixels[] to the contents of another properly sized and typed numpy array.


example picture for set_np_pixels()

import numpy as np

def setup():
    py5.background(255, 0, 0)
    array = np.full((50, 50, 1), 240, dtype=np.uint8)
    g = py5.create_graphics(50, 50)
    with g.begin_draw():
        g.set_np_pixels(array, bands='L')
    py5.image(g, 20, 20)


Set the entire contents of Py5Graphics.np_pixels[] to the contents of another properly sized and typed numpy array. The size of array’s first and second dimensions must match the height and width of the Py5Graphics drawing surface, respectively. The array’s dtype must be np.uint8. This must be used after Py5Graphics.begin_draw() but can be used after Py5Graphics.end_draw().

The bands parameter is used to interpret the array’s color channel dimension (the array’s third dimension). It can be one of 'L' (single-channel grayscale), 'ARGB', 'RGB', or 'RGBA'. If there is no alpha channel, array is assumed to have no transparency. Unlike the main drawing window, a Py5Graphics drawing surface’s pixels can be transparent so using the alpha channel will work properly. If the bands parameter is 'L', array’s third dimension is optional.

This method makes its own calls to Py5Graphics.load_np_pixels() and Py5Graphics.update_np_pixels() so there is no need to call either explicitly.

This method exists because setting the array contents with the code g.np_pixels = array will cause an error, while the correct syntax, g.np_pixels[:] = array, might also be unintuitive for beginners.

This method is the same as set_np_pixels() but linked to a Py5Graphics object.


    array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8],  # properly sized numpy array to be copied to np_pixels[]
    bands: str = "ARGB",  # color channels in the array's third dimension
) -> None

Updated on August 07, 2023 14:29:21pm UTC