

Create an animated GIF using a running Sketch.


import py5_tools

# create a 10 frame animated GIF saved to '/tmp/animated.gif'
py5_tools.animated_gif('/tmp/animated.gif', count=10, period=1, duration=0.5)
import py5_tools

# make an animated GIF with specific frames, save to '/tmp/animated.gif'
py5_tools.animated_gif('/tmp/animated.gif', frame_numbers=[0, 1, 3, 5, 13], duration=0.5)



Create an animated GIF using a running Sketch.

You have two choices for how to specify which frames should be included in the animated GIF. The first choice is to use the count keyword argument to include a specific number of frames. Optionally, the period keyword argument can also be used with count to introduce a fixed time delay between captured frames. The second choice is to use the frame_numbers keyword argument to pass a list of frame numbers. A frame will be included when the frame_count value is in the list passed to frame_numbers. For this feature, frame number 0 is after setup() is complete and frame number 1 is after the first call to draw().

Bottom line, you must use either the count parameter or the frame_numbers parameter but not both. The period parameter can only be used in conjunction with the count parameter. The duration parameter must always be used.

By default this function will return right away and construct the animated gif in the background while the Sketch is running. The completed gif will be saved to the location specified by the filename parameter when it is ready. Set the block parameter to True to instruct the function to not return until the gif construction is complete. This blocking feature is not available on macOS when the Sketch is executed through an IPython kernel. If the Sketch terminates prematurely, no gif will be created.

By default the Sketch will be the currently running Sketch, as returned by get_current_sketch(). Use the sketch parameter to specify a different running Sketch, such as a Sketch created using class mode.

If your Sketch has a post_draw() method, use the hook_post_draw parameter to make this function run after post_draw() instead of draw(). This is important when using Processing libraries that support post_draw() such as Camera3D or ColorBlindness.


    filename: str,  # filename of GIF to create
    count: int = 0,  # number of Sketch snapshots to create
    period: float = 0.0,  # time in seconds between Sketch snapshots
    frame_numbers: Iterable = None,  # list of frame numbers to include in animated GIF
    duration: float = 0.0,  # time in seconds between frames in the GIF
    loop: int = 0,  # number of times for the GIF to loop (default of 0 loops indefinitely)
    optimize: bool = True,  # optimize GIF palette
    sketch: Sketch = None,  # running Sketch
    hook_post_draw: bool = False,  # attach hook to Sketch's post_draw method instead of draw
    block: bool = False  # function returns immediately (False) or blocks until function returns (True)
) -> None

Updated on March 18, 2024 05:08:14am UTC