

Decorator function to render a sequence of frames using the decorated draw function.


@py5.render_sequence(400, 200, limit=10)
def draw_counter(s: py5.Sketch):
    s.fill(255, 0, 0)
    s.text_align(s.CENTER, s.CENTER)
    s.text(f'frame number {s.frame_count}', s.width/2, s.height/2)

frames = draw_counter()
def setup_counter(s: py5.Sketch, color=(0,)):
    s.text_align(s.CENTER, s.CENTER)

@py5.render_sequence(400, 200, py5.P2D, limit=10,
                     setup_kwargs=dict(color=(255, 0, 0)))
def draw_counter(s: py5.Sketch, message_prefix):
    s.text(f'{message_prefix} {s.frame_count}', s.width/2, s.height/2)

frames = draw_counter('sequential numbers:')
@py5.render_sequence(100, 100, use_py5graphics=True)
def random_squares(g: py5.Py5Graphics):
    for _ in range(10):
        g.rect(np.random.randint(g.width), np.random.randint(g.height), 10, 10)

frames = random_squares()


Decorator function to render a sequence of frames using the decorated draw function. The output is returned as a list of PIL.Image objects. Use the limit keyword argument to specify the number of frames to return.

The decorated function’s first parameter must be either a py5.Sketch object or a py5.Py5Graphics object, depending on the parameter use_py5graphics. That object must be used for all py5 commands. The function can have additional positional and keyword arguments. To use them, pass the desired values when you call the decorated function as you would to any other Python function.

Optionally, the caller can pass the decorator a setup function, along with corresponding setup_args and setup_kwargs arguments. This will be called once, just like it would for any other py5 Sketch. The type of the first parameter must also depend on the use_py5graphics parameter.

On macOS, only the default renderer is currently supported. Other platforms support the default renderer and the OpenGL renderers (P2D and P3D).

The rendered frames can have transparent pixels if and only if the use_py5graphics parameter is True because only a py5.Py5Graphics object can create an image with transparency. If you need to clear the canvas between one frame and the next, use Py5Graphics.clear(). There is no need to call Py5Graphics.begin_draw() or Py5Graphics.end_draw() in the decorated function as @render_sequence() does that for you.

This function facilitates the creation and execution of a py5 Sketch, and as a result makes it easy to run a Sketch inside of another Sketch. This is discouraged, and may fail catastrophically.

This function is available in non-decorator form as render_frame_sequence().


    width: int,  # width of the display window in units of pixels
    height: int,  # height of the display window in units of pixels
    renderer: str = Sketch.HIDDEN,  # rendering engine to use
    limit: int = 1,  # number of frames in the output sequence
    setup: Callable = None,  # optional setup function
    setup_args: tuple = None,  # additional positional arguments to pass to setup function
    setup_kwargs: dict = None,  # additional keyword arguments to pass to setup function
    use_py5graphics: bool = False  # pass a py5graphics object instead of a sketch object
) -> list[PIL_Image]

Updated on December 27, 2023 13:47:02pm UTC