

Returns descent of the current font at its current size.


example picture for text_descent()

def setup():
    base = py5.height * 0.75
    scalar = 0.8  # different for each font
    py5.text_size(32)  # set initial text size
    a = py5.text_descent() * scalar  # calc ascent
    py5.line(0, base+a, py5.width, base+a)
    py5.text("dp", 0, base)  # draw text on baseline
    py5.text_size(64)  # increase text size
    a = py5.text_descent() * scalar  # recalc ascent
    py5.line(40, base+a, py5.width, base+a)
    py5.text("dp", 40, base)  # draw text on baseline


Returns descent of the current font at its current size. This information is useful for determining the height of the font below the baseline.

Underlying Processing method: textDescent


text_descent() -> float

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC