

Loads a shader into a Py5Shader object.


def setup():
    global blur
    py5.size(640, 360, py5.P2D)
    # shaders files must be in the "data" folder to load correctly
    blur = py5.load_shader("blur.glsl")
    py5.stroke(0, 102, 153)

def draw():
    py5.rect(py5.mouse_x-75, py5.mouse_y, 150, 150)
    py5.ellipse(py5.mouse_x+75, py5.mouse_y, 150, 150)


Loads a shader into a Py5Shader object. The shader file must be located in the Sketch’s “data” directory to load correctly. Shaders are compatible with the P2D and P3D renderers, but not with the default renderer.

Alternatively, the file maybe be loaded from anywhere on the local computer using an absolute path (something that starts with / on Unix and Linux, or a drive letter on Windows), or the filename parameter can be a URL for a file found on a network.

If the file is not available or an error occurs, None will be returned and an error message will be printed to the console. The error message does not halt the program, however the None value may cause an error if your code does not check whether the value returned is None.

Underlying Processing method: loadShader


    frag_filename: str,  # name of fragment shader file
) -> Py5Shader

    frag_filename: str,  # name of fragment shader file
    vert_filename: str,  # name of vertex shader file
) -> Py5Shader

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC