

Draws shapes to the Py5Graphics drawing surface.


Draws shapes to the Py5Graphics drawing surface. Shapes must be in the Sketch’s “data” directory to load correctly. Py5 currently works with SVG, OBJ, and custom-created shapes. The shape parameter specifies the shape to display and the coordinate parameters define the location of the shape from its upper-left corner. The shape is displayed at its original size unless the c and d parameters specify a different size. The Py5Graphics.shape_mode() function can be used to change the way these parameters are interpreted.

This method is the same as shape() but linked to a Py5Graphics object. To see example code for how it can be used, see shape().

Underlying Processing method: PGraphics.shape


    shape: Py5Shape,  # the shape to display
) -> None

    shape: Py5Shape,  # the shape to display
    a: float,  # x-coordinate of the shape
    b: float,  # y-coordinate of the shape
    c: float,  # width to display the shape
    d: float,  # height to display the shape
) -> None

    shape: Py5Shape,  # the shape to display
    x: float,  # x-coordinate of the shape
    y: float,  # y-coordinate of the shape
) -> None

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC