

Reset the py5 module’s current Sketch instance.


import py5

assert py5.is_ready
first_sketch = py5.get_current_sketch()
assert py5.is_dead
assert py5.is_ready
second_sketch = py5.get_current_sketch()
assert first_sketch is not second_sketch


Reset the py5 module’s current Sketch instance.

When coding py5 in module mode, a Sketch instance is created on your behalf that is referenced within the py5 module itself. That Sketch is called the “Current Sketch.” If the current Sketch exits, it will be in a dead state and cannot be re-run. reset_py5() will discard that exited Sketch instance and replace it with a new one in the ready state.

If reset_py5() is called when the current Sketch is in the ready or running states, it will do nothing and return False. If reset_py5() is called when the current Sketch is in the dead state, reset_py5() will replace it and return True.

The jclassname parameter should only be used when programming in Processing Mode. This value must be the canonical name of your Processing Sketch class (i.e. "org.test.MySketch"). The class must inherit from py5.core.SketchBase. Read py5’s online documentation to learn more about Processing Mode.


    jclassname: str = None,  # canonical name of class to instantiate when using py5 in processing mode
) -> bool

Updated on March 18, 2024 05:08:14am UTC