

Join the Python thread associated with the given thread name.


import time

def f():
    py5.println("start f()")
    py5.println("end f()")

def setup():
    py5.println("start setup()")
    py5.launch_thread(f, "f")
    py5.println("thread f() launched")
    stopped = py5.join_thread("f", timeout=0.25)
    msg = "thread f() " + ("has stopped" if stopped else "is still running")
    py5.println("end setup()")


Join the Python thread associated with the given thread name. The join_thread() method will wait until the named thread has finished executing before returning. Use the timeout parameter to set an upper limit for the number of seconds to wait. This method will return right away if the named thread does not exist or the thread has already finished executing. You can get the list of all currently running threads with list_threads().

This method will return True if the named thread has completed execution and False if the named thread is still executing. It will only return False if you use the timeout parameter and the method is not able to join with the thread within that time limit.


    name: str,  # name of thread
    timeout: float = None  # maximum time in seconds to wait for the thread to join
) -> bool

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC