

Normalizes a number from another range into a value between 0 and 1.


def setup():
    value = 20
    n = py5.norm(value, 0, 50)
    py5.println(n)  # Prints "0.4"
def setup():
    value = -10
    n = py5.norm(value, 0, 100)
    py5.println(n)  # Prints "-0.1"


Normalizes a number from another range into a value between 0 and 1. Identical to remap(value, low, high, 0, 1).

Numbers outside of the range are not clamped to 0 and 1, because out-of-range values are often intentional and useful. (See the second example.) If that isn’t what you want, try pairing this function with constrain().


    value: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # the incoming value to be converted
    start: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # lower bound of the value's current range
    stop: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # upper bound of the value's current range
) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC