

Draws shapes to the display window.


example picture for shape()

def setup():
    global s
    s = py5.load_shape("bot.svg")

def draw():
    py5.shape(s, 10, 10, 80, 80)


Draws shapes to the display window. Shapes must be in the Sketch’s “data” directory to load correctly. Py5 currently works with SVG, OBJ, and custom-created shapes. The shape parameter specifies the shape to display and the coordinate parameters define the location of the shape from its upper-left corner. The shape is displayed at its original size unless the c and d parameters specify a different size. The shape_mode() function can be used to change the way these parameters are interpreted.

Underlying Processing method: shape


    shape: Py5Shape,  # the shape to display
) -> None

    shape: Py5Shape,  # the shape to display
    a: float,  # x-coordinate of the shape
    b: float,  # y-coordinate of the shape
    c: float,  # width to display the shape
    d: float,  # height to display the shape
) -> None

    shape: Py5Shape,  # the shape to display
    x: float,  # x-coordinate of the shape
    y: float,  # y-coordinate of the shape
) -> None

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC