

Reads the color of any pixel or grabs a section of the drawing surface.


example picture for get_pixels()

def setup():
    my_image = py5.load_image("apples.jpg")
    py5.image(my_image, 0, 0)
    c = py5.get_pixels()
    py5.image(c, py5.width//2, 0)

example picture for get_pixels()

def setup():
    my_image = py5.load_image("apples.jpg")
    py5.image(my_image, 0, 0)
    c = py5.get_pixels(25, 25)
    py5.rect(25, 25, 50, 50)


Reads the color of any pixel or grabs a section of the drawing surface. If no parameters are specified, the entire drawing surface is returned. Use the x and y parameters to get the value of one pixel. Get a section of the display window by specifying additional w and h parameters. When getting an image, the x and y parameters define the coordinates for the upper-left corner of the returned image, regardless of the current image_mode().

If the pixel requested is outside of the image window, black is returned. The numbers returned are scaled according to the current color ranges, but only RGB values are returned by this function. For example, even though you may have drawn a shape with color_mode(HSB), the numbers returned will be in RGB format.

If a width and a height are specified, get_pixels(x, y, w, h) returns a Py5Image corresponding to the part of the original Py5Image where the top left pixel is at the (x, y) position with a width of w a height of h.

Getting the color of a single pixel with get_pixels(x, y) is easy, but not as fast as grabbing the data directly from pixels[] or np_pixels[]. The equivalent statement to get_pixels(x, y) using pixels[] is pixels[y*width+x]. Using np_pixels[] it is np_pixels[y, x]. See the reference for pixels[] and np_pixels[] for more information.

Underlying Processing method: get


get_pixels() -> Py5Image

    x: int,  # x-coordinate of the pixel
    y: int,  # y-coordinate of the pixel
) -> int

    x: int,  # x-coordinate of the pixel
    y: int,  # y-coordinate of the pixel
    w: int,  # width of pixel rectangle to get
    h: int,  # height of pixel rectangle to get
) -> Py5Image

Updated on April 15, 2023 22:56:12pm UTC