

Opens a new file and all subsequent drawing functions are echoed to this file as well as the display window.


def setup():
    py5.size(400, 400)
    py5.begin_record(py5.PDF, "everything.pdf")

def draw():
    py5.ellipse(py5.mouse_x, py5.mouse_y, 10, 10)

def mouse_pressed():
def setup():
    py5.size(200, 200)

    with py5.begin_record(py5.SVG, "/tmp/test.svg") as r:
        r.fill("#F00")  # affects the recorded output only

        for _ in range(10):
            py5.square(py5.random(py5.width), py5.random(py5.height), 10)


Opens a new file and all subsequent drawing functions are echoed to this file as well as the display window. The begin_record() function requires two parameters, the first is the renderer and the second is the file name. This function is always used with end_record() to stop the recording process and close the file.

Note that begin_record() will only pick up any settings that happen after it has been called. For instance, if you call text_font() before begin_record(), then that font will not be set for the file that you’re recording to.

begin_record() works only with the PDF and SVG renderers.

This method can be used as a context manager to ensure that end_record() always gets called, as shown in the last example.

Underlying Processing method: beginRecord


    recorder: Py5Graphics,  # Py5Graphics object to record drawing commands to
) -> None

    renderer: str,  # PDF or SVG
    filename: str,  # filename for output
) -> Py5Graphics

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC