

Save a running Sketch’s frames to a directory.


import py5_tools

# save the next 50 frames to the `/tmp/frames` directory
frames = py5_tools.save_frames('/tmp/frames', limit=50, start=0)


Save a running Sketch’s frames to a directory.

By default this function will return right away and save frames in the background while the Sketch is running. The frames will be saved in the directory specified by the dirname parameter. Set the block parameter to True to instruct the method to not return until the number of frames saved reaches the number specified by the limit parameter. This blocking feature is not available on macOS when the Sketch is executed through an IPython kernel.

By default the Sketch will be the currently running Sketch, as returned by get_current_sketch(). Use the sketch parameter to specify a different running Sketch, such as a Sketch created using class mode.

If the limit parameter is used, this function will wait to return a list of the filenames. If not, it will return right away as the frames are saved in the background. It will keep doing so as long as the Sketch continues to run.

By default this function will report its progress as frames are saved. If you are using a Jupyter Notebook and happen to be saving tens of thousands of frames, this might cause Jupyter to crash. To avoid that fate, set the display_progress parameter to False.

If your Sketch has a post_draw() method, use the hook_post_draw parameter to make this function run after post_draw() instead of draw(). This is important when using Processing libraries that support post_draw() such as Camera3D or ColorBlindness.


    dirname: str,  # directory to save the frames
    filename: str = "frame_####.png",  # filename template to use for saved frames
    period: float = 0.0,  # time in seconds between Sketch snapshots (default 0 means no delay)
    start: int = None,  # frame starting number instead of Sketch frame_count
    limit: int = 0,  # limit the number of frames to save (default 0 means no limit)
    sketch: Sketch = None,  # running Sketch
    hook_post_draw: bool = False,  # attach hook to Sketch's post_draw method instead of draw
    block: bool = False,  # method returns immediately (False) or blocks until function returns (True)
    display_progress: bool = True  # display progress as frames are saved
) -> None

Updated on March 18, 2024 05:08:14am UTC