
Integer value used to identify which modifier keys (if any) are currently pressed.


def setup():
    py5.size(200, 200, py5.P2D)

def draw():
    py5.square(py5.random(py5.width), py5.random(py5.height), 10)

def mouse_clicked(e):
    modifiers = e.get_modifiers()
    msgs = []
    if modifiers & e.SHIFT:
        msgs.append('shift is down')
    if modifiers & e.CTRL:
        msgs.append('control is down')
    if modifiers & e.META:
        msgs.append('meta is down')
    if modifiers & e.ALT:
        msgs.append('alt is down')
    py5.println('mouse clicked: ' + (','.join(msgs) if msgs else 'no modifiers'))


Integer value used to identify which modifier keys (if any) are currently pressed. Information about the modifier keys is encoded in the integer value and can be parsed with bit masking, as shown in the example.

Underlying Processing method: getModifiers


get_modifiers() -> int

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC